Here is where you'll find pictures and videos of past or current students, airplane delivery pics, instructional or entertaining video, and other fun images about Marsh Flying Services.
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Normal Landing - (Above) Here is what a normal landing looks like in N54165. This is designed to help student pilots know what "normal" looks like in terms of pitch and the flare. This has 30 degrees of flaps in.
Steep Turns - (Above) 45 Degree banked Turns. This maneuver you will learn and execute for your Practical Test
Power-On Stall - (Above) Here's a demonstration of a departure stall to help brief you before coming to your first lesson on stalls.
Power-Off Stall - (Above) Here's a demonstration of an approach to landing stall to help brief you before coming to your first lesson on stalls. This has 30 degrees of flaps and power at idle.
Crosswind Landing Technique - (Above) Here you can see and hear how to actually deal with a crosswind on landing.
The videos below are just for entertainment value
Canada Delivery - 5 minutes of clips from the trip from El Dorado, KS to Vancouver, BC Canada
T-6C Texan II Demo Ride - I got to fly a VIP ride and they had a go-pro so here's some highlights!
Soft Field Take-Off - (Above) This video demonstrates the soft-field Take Off with the recommended 10 degrees of flaps for a Cessna 172P
Short Field Take-Off - (Above) This video demonstrates the short-field Take Off with the recommended 10 degrees of flaps for a Cessna 172P and climbing at 56 knots until the obstacle is cleared.
Flying into Beaumont Hotel (07S) - (Above) This video should help introduce you to flying into this unique shorter grass strip not far from El Dorado.
KS to Groveland, CA Delivery - Here's some sped up video of a 2016 delivery to E45 airport in a King Katmai conversion Cessna 182.